
Sci Ed Software
Software for the Molecular Biologist

Ways to Contact us

Contact us by phone or email to discuss a program or license type. Visit our web site from time to time to check on work in progress, view helpful hints for getting the most out of our software, or verify price or version information.

How you can reach us:

Phone +1 919 386 1027
Email - sales / info
Email - tech support
Email - other inquiries
Web address

When you can reach us:

Our offices are located in Westminster, Colorado, USA, and are open from 9 AM to 5 PM MT, Monday thru Friday for telephone inquiries. Email or visit our web site at any time.

No response?

Internet traffic jams and ISP spam filters seem to be taking a toll on the reliability of email communication. If you send us an email message asking for technical support, program information, or a price quotation and you do not hear from us in a day or two, please try again or contact us by phone. Email messages are usually responded to within one business day. In some cases, your email message gets to us, but our response to you is blocked.