
Sci Ed Software
Software for the Molecular Biologist

Clone Manager 12, Professional Edition
Version 12 for Windows

Clone Manager Professional provides a comprehensive, fully integrated set of tools for enzyme operations, cloning simulation, graphic map drawing, primer design and analysis, global and local sequence alignments, similarity searches, and laboratory-sized sequence assembly projects.

You can also use Clone Manager as a quick and easy way to view or edit sequence files, find open reading frames, translate genes, find genes or text in files, or use primer or sequence phrase collections.

Molecule Viewer

Discovery and Tools

Cloning Operations

Primer Design, Analysis

Alignment Operations

Other Features

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Molecule viewer window: map view

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Molecule viewer window: features view

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Ligate and Assembly Cloning views

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Genome layout showing hilited region shifted and inverted

Links for more information: You can view or print a detailed program description (4-page pdf document), view ordering information, license type information, or network system requirements (related to concurrent user licenses). Using Clone Share provides more information about molecule sharing. You may also find it useful to view the program Quick Tour which is a collection of screen shots in a pdf-format file that will give you a quick overview of how Clone Manager 12 handles different tasks.