You can access two sets of documents in PDF format that can help you to discover the many functions available in the Clone Manager program. Tutorials tell you how to do a task that you probably will want to do fairly often. Quick Tours give you a fast fly-over view that will show you screen shots covering many aspects of the program's capabilities. Or you can view one of our training videos for Clone Manager 10 or newer.
A set of four tutorials showing how to enhance the graphic map for presentations and publications. These tutorials are collected in a PDF document that you can view or print. If you set the option to display Bookmarks or Contents in your PDF file reader, you can quickly navigate to topics of interest.
● EnhanceTutorial.pdf (Enhance Tutorials, 492 KB, October 2022)
Tutorials include creating a new enhanced view, editing existing views, managing views and exporting as graphic files.
You can view a set of ten tutorials prepared for those who are new to Clone Manager. These tutorials are collected in a PDF document that you can view or print. If you set the option to display Bookmarks or Contents in your PDF file reader, you can quickly navigate to topics of interest. These tutorials cover topics for molecule viewing, cloning operations, primer design and sequence alignment in Clone Manager versions 10 or newer.
● CM10TUTOR.pdf (CM10 Tutorials, 1144 KB, June 2019)
Tutorials include molecule maps, sequence display, molecule features, new sequence, simulate cloning, cloning wizards, search for primer pairs, create primer from molecule, align multiple sequences, compare two sequences.
You can view a set of three tutorials covering how to use the Clone Share system to share molecules between users of the Clone Manager desktop application and the mobile viewers running on smart phones or tablets. These tutorials are collected in a PDF document that you can view or print. If you set the option to display Bookmarks or Contents in your PDF file reader, you can quickly navigate to topics of interest.
● CM11TUTOR.pdf (CM11 Tutorials, 315 KB, January 2022)
Tutorials include sharing molecules with Clone Share, using the mobile viewers and sharing between desktop and mobile apps.
You may also want to view the program Quick Tours. These are collections of screenshots with a short text description in a PDF document that you can view or print. The text often includes a short list of helpful toolbar buttons on the screen shown so that you can quickly get an idea of how Clone Manager 10, or newer, approaches a task and what you can do from this location.
● CMPRO10QTOUR.pdf (Quick Tour, CM10 Professional, 788 KB, June 2019)
● CMBAS10QTOUR.pdf (Quick Tour, CM10 Basic, 433 KB, June 2019)
The Quick Tours documents include views from the multiple screens of the molecule viewer window, cloning simulation, ligation, join sequences, ORF search and analysis. The Quick Tour for Clone Manager Professional also includes screens from primer searches and design views, sequencing wizard, alignment results views, sequence assembly results views.
You can view training videos that will help you learn how to use Clone Manager 10 effectively. These videos are short but detailed presentation that focus on just one part of the Clone Manager program. They try to highlight the screens you'll see most often or the operations you'll do most frequently.
● Getting Started (CM10_GetSt.mp4, 7 minutes, 23.9 MB) -- Covers opening molecule files, setting GenBank feature import options, creating new molecules, exporting molecule data.
● Molecule Viewer Window (CM10_MVW.mp4, 7 minutes, 19.5 MB) -- Covers the different views of your molecule data: Map view, Sequence view, Features view.
● Simulate Cloning (CM10_SimClon.mp4, 7 minutes, 27.5 MB) -- Walks you through the new Ligate module and gets you started with using the cloning wizards.
Our Clone Manager 9 training videos are hosted at Content at this commercial hosting site has been updated to avoid the use of the Adobe Flash Player. When you click on the link below, you will go to this site and the first video will be selected and ready to view. When you complete the video, you can use the small left or right arrows below the video to quickly move to another video in this sequence.
● 1 - Getting Started 12 minutes, 18.6 MB -- Open molecule files, view molecule data using Clone Manager 9, Professional or Basic.